

  • Wonolo

My name is Eid and I am a Wonoloer. Before Wonolo, my work life was inflexible.

My sister-in-law told me about Wonolo. She had heard good things about on-demand work apps and so, when she found out I was looking for work, she helped me sign up. I tried a few different apps but chose Wonolo because of the number of jobs available. From the day I started, Wonolo has kept me working consistently.

In my last job, getting time off was difficult. When my daughter was born, I wasn’t able to take the leave I wanted to spend time with her. This is one of the reasons I wanted to find an alternate way of working.

With Wonolo, I work when I want to and take breaks from it when I need to. This gives me the flexibility to spend time with my now two-year-old daughter. The money I make working on Wonolo also allows me to do plenty of fun things with her. I can take vacations and plan social outings but still cover my bills and live comfortably.

My favorite Wonolo jobs have been in catering, at fashion companies, and events. I have plans to visit Los Angeles more and pick up a few Wonolo jobs down there. That’s another feature I like, the app updates the jobs available based on where you are. This is just a better way of living for me. In fact, aside from earning money, working a variety of Wonolo jobs has empowered me to start my own landscaping business.

To anyone who is looking for a job or needing extra money on the side, I recommend Wonolo. I’ve been working on Wonolo for three years and have never been happier.

Wonoloing allows me to work when I want, where I want and for myself.